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Where You Can Gain Insight Into
Proven Marketing Strategies That Can
Produce Big Financial Results... 
This Membership Site Is Created For
Entrepreneurs, Business Owners & Executives
Who Want To Build Their Companies To The Next Level 

How This Site Can Help You
Welcome. This membership site is focused on helping you have a good experience.

It strives to provide you with high quality content and services to help you develop and execute proven marketing strategies so you can improve your sales results.

You can access the information and content on this membership site by desktop, laptop, smartphone or other type of mobile device.

There are three subscription-based membership levels - gold, silver and bronze. Each membership level determines which types of information, products and services you can access.

Some information, products and services are provided to you as part of your membership-level subscription and available at no extra charge. Others  may require an additional fee which you can apply your discount coupon toward your purchase for extra savings. You received the discount coupon by email promptly after you registered for your subscription to this membership site.

Go through this site to familiarize yourself with the navigation and information. The site author plans to publish more information and content as time goes by, so come back often.

Take full advantage of your subscription membership. The end result will be you can learn more, gain expertise and apply the knowledge to help you build your business to the next level.

Thank you for your commitment and loyalty to this membership site. 

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Insiders Guide to Marketing 
The information on this site can help you whether you are a marketer or a marketeer, or if you apply brand or direct response marketing.

A marketer conceptualizes and executes  strategies for advertising and promotion. Their role is to develop new products and markets. They are target focused and prefer to work with numbers rather than express creativity.

A marketeer specializes in direct selling or promoting a product or service. They engage with consumers to reach marketing goals. Their role is to build relationships. They are focused on customer experience in each moment. Plus, they enjoy creative expression throughout their work.

Brand marketing helps people become aware of your products and services, and choose which one(s) to buy over the long term. Direct response marketing helps people opt-in and buy now.

If you want to succeed and reach your business potential, you'll wear both hats of a marketer and marketeer. You'll also need to make people aware of your brand. Plus, you must focus most of your budget on direct response to quickly generate opt-in leads, customers and sales. This site can help you reach your marketing and sales goals. 
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About The Author Of This Site
Jeff Traister is an Ontraport Certified Expert in CRM & Automation. He has been since 2014. He is also an AWAI Circle of Success Copywriter and Chatbot Marketing Specialist. Jeff has over 30 years of marketing experience.

Jeff earned an MBA in Entrepreneurship & Marketing from the Karl Eller Center for the Study of Private Market Economy at the University of Arizona.

He started his career in product & marketing management. Then switched to the agency side with Interpublic, the world’s largest advertising firm. Later, as VP with Internet Tradeline, he raised $20 million in venture capital, partnered with 300 media companies and promoted ecommerce website solutions to thousands of businesses.

He has served many start-up, mid-sized and Fortune 500 companies helping to market their products and services.

Through its assessment, the Direct Marketing Association has determined Jeff Traister is a "Creative Marketer" with potential to conceive artistic,  original and innovative ideas.

As a result, Jeff stands out from other marketing professionals. His expertise in strategic development, digital marketing growth, copywriting and automation can help you build your business to the next level.

Creative thinking ensures Jeff can spot opportunities and conceive ideas that he can share with you. So, you can reap the results.

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Become a Referral Partner and
Earn a Percentage of Revenue
Every Time You Refer a Qualified Business That Subscribes to Our Membership Site

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This membership site is a resource center of content about marketing. The content is provided in various types of media. It includes blog articles, guides, newsletters, reports, audio podcasts and videos. Creating and publishing content takes time. As time goes by, you may see more content created and published. Applying what you learn can help you boost sales results.
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Consultations with Jeff Traister can help you answer questions, discuss ideas, conceptualize strategies, analyze results and make good marketing decisions. These consultations can be about campaign strategy, CRM & automation, content, design or other topic. Each consultation is by phone or Zoom video conference call.
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Courses are a great way to learn about different topics. These topics may include marketing campaign strategy, content, CRM & marketing automation, chatbots, or marketing metrics. Courses may also focus on how to do something in Ontraport. For example, how to set up lead scoring or best way to conduct a split test or create a subscription-based membership site.
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Client Services
You can have custom marketing services from Jeff Traister, an Ontraport Certified Expert with over 30 years of business experience. Services provided include marketing campaign strategy, copywriting, conversational chatbots, ecommerce, and building a CRM & automation system customized for your business. 
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